A whimsical dreamer chasing fireflies, a wayfarer wandering through lanes of magic and poetry.

Friday, October 19, 2012


The night is spread over the valleys
Like a dark blue shawl covering
 The day’s smiles and miseries
And in her heart there’s just a candle burning
Carefully surrounded by passion to live
yet alone…

In her mind cynical are the thoughts
That she is left to live alone
In this city of towers and smoke
That she is not wanted among the hills and waterfalls—
Her abode just a little while ago.

Wordsworth in her heart quotes,
“She dwelt among the untrodden ways
Beside the springs of Dove
A maid whom there were none to praise
And very few to Love.”

But erroneous she is at such times.

There’s one who walks with her
On the path of darkness searching for a light—
The candle that never blows out in the west wind,
That burns amidst all strife
That candle that still burns in her heart.            

Monday, October 8, 2012


He is a little pauper
Short, skinny and pale
Collar bones abnormally out,
Ribs seen through the dark skin.
Clothed in rugs and barefooted
He has his hair long, untidy, dry.
His eyes, sore with tears
Seek solutions to his miseries
His tale, a portrayal of his innocence

On every doorstep, he calls
With a hope to get something good,
With a strong desire to live
In this false, inhuman world
Of heartless, powerful people

It isn’t that he’s just refused
He’s made fun of, rather abused
Yet, he’s sober. He can’t fight back
Self-respect he’s supposed to lack
Can’t hum with the wind
To the warmth of sunshine, he’s blind

He knows the world as it is.
Every new dawn,
A struggle to keep his soul alive
But still, in his heart
He has a longing,
A longing to live…

Roaming about on the streets
From dawn to dusk,
He gets a chance to remain alive;
Silver coins from pockets
Of a few good hearted fellows
Fill his little bowl—
The only source of his meagre income.

Thus, this child fills his paunch
Keeping himself partly covered,
Shivering and shivering.

Sometimes little tears
From the corner of his eyes
Falls on his ‘vessel of hope’,
When the day’s bad
And the basin remains empty.
That night, he stays hungry
Empty stomach aching.

Such are his days
When people on earth
Are also dwelling in castles and palaces.
His roof is the zenith high,
And music is the zephyr…
Stars accompany him at night,
And the moon gives him some light.

"Honesty won't get you anywhere;sell it
For the want of bread, be one with the crowd
Bleed for your sake; for those who have ample
All they know and seek is to trample", he's told

No one questions him his origin, which
He himself doesn’t know,
And do not even like to know!

Realizing the futility of his existence
With an empty bowl as the sole comrade
He strides on, for his journey has just begun
With every rising sun!

-----Tezaswita & Bhaskar

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Tears trodden by thy mild touch
Yet my heart seizes every pain
Entangled in a web of emotions
Questions my heart, "Why such insecurity?"

Feelings live, inspire, die,
ruins love...
Yet thy caring hands hold my pain
and yet I seize every pain!

Creeping on the meadow of faith
Ceasing to believe in myself
I burn...
In flames of hope,
flames of desires, flames of 
unnamed fears!

Still I find momentary peace
Hearing thee speak in the night's dead
Tears then give way to smiles,
hearing thee!
Thy love treads upon my grief
Yet I seize every pain...


As the dew drops sparkle like pearls on the petals
The whispering zephyr touches my heart
The smiling sun gets brighter
And butterflies fly about.
I love this air around
And want to run in the wheat fields
Where my cotton skirt would touch the ground
And my open hair would touch the wheat.
Today, I have found my soulmate
And I would like to be a peacock
Loving the monsoon rains
And rainwater would drench my golden youth
As I dream of my love!