A whimsical dreamer chasing fireflies, a wayfarer wandering through lanes of magic and poetry.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Sitting cross-legged on the terrace floor

Leaning on the half-wall

Staring at the evening stars

With my dearest friend,

I spent a dreamy evening.

As the hues of twilight

Slept on us,

Our hearts cried as we smiled

And talked about our dreary lives.

Forgetting every bad dream

We felt each other’s words

Talked to our heart’s content

Fulfilling our empty souls.

Long talks we had

On angels and witches,

Love and longing,

Hatred and mood swings.

We sat there, talking.

Letting our bleak present go away,

Munching crispy ‘kurkures’

We sat there, talking.

Stars shimmered above us

Moonbeams kissed us

And we shivered

In the cold winter night.

The mist enveloping us,

We felt our third eyes

Analyzed dreams,

Understood visions

And finding their meanings

Left the terrace happily

Feeling honey-sweet inside;

Forgetting that another dark night

Would be awaiting us.

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