A whimsical dreamer chasing fireflies, a wayfarer wandering through lanes of magic and poetry.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Down the mountains, after nightfall

Mystical the air feels,

The trees let their remaining foliage

ruffle in the wind

As it turns darker.

A voice is always heard,

A staccato singing

And very sweet

Soft, mellifluous, but

flows monotonously, as if

Speaking of her own untimely death

To her lover—still alive.

In this ghostly milieu,

Flickers a feeble gleam

In the dead of the night

But the next morn, you see

Nothing unusual, everything fine.

Conifers down the hills,

Wild flowers fragrant and fresh,

Birdies flying high and the

Shepherd bringing sheep to graze.

But that midnight again

Appears the dim flickering light

And the maiden sings…

Winter ends, and also ends

The enigmatic air, but

Only till next winter!

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